Our safety record is second to none and our dedication to our people is clear is will far as practicably reasonable we will ensure that we provide a safe workplace for our staff.
Pride Staffing recognises moral and legal responsibilities, to provide a safe environment for workers customers, and members of the public. These responsibilities extend to making sure that Pride Staffing operations do not place the community, at risk of injury, illness, or property damage, as well as ensuring the preservation of the surrounding environment as per legislation.
Pride Staffing will:
- Provide a safe workplace.
- Provide and maintain safe plant & equipment.
- Maintain a safe system of work within their workplace or under their control.
- Provide written procedures to ensure safe systems are implemented.
- Ensure compliance with legislative requirements and current relevant standards.
- Provide workers with regular information, instruction, training, and supervision to ensure their safety.
- Monitor the health of the workers and keep records.
Employees will:
- Take reasonable care for their own health and others around them.
- Cooperate with the employer in regard to health and safety matters.
- Alert their managers when performing procedures, practices have not been adhered and hazard conditions are identified.
- Our Safety Management System has been developed in accordance with Australian Standard and takes a risk-based approach to the identification and treatment of safety hazards.